The EUSFLAT Society will offer grants of 350 euro each to support students for attending IPMU 2018. The candidates must send a message to with the required data for the evaluation (see main criteria). The deadline for sending requests is March 11th.
The candidate must be author or co-author and presenter of an accepted paper, and (s)he must be an EUSFLAT student member (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) at the time of application. The Student Grant responsible on the EUSFLAT board will make an evaluation of the applicants.
The main criteria will be:
– referee reports on the paper,
– time since previous grant,
– fair distribution among institutes and countries,
– EUSFLAT membership of supervisor(s), etc.
Previous grant holders of these grants can be seen in the EUSFLAT web page. The deadline of the early registration fee will be delayed for the applicants, until the grant holders will be announced. Best regards, Chairs IPMU 2018.